
Tips for travelling

1. The physical safety of every human being is precious. Avoid dangerous destinations. More information can be easily found through the Internet, mainly from the travel guidelines issued by the USA, Great Britain and Australia.
2. The less things you carry, the more relaxed you will be and the more hands free you will be. Better not take ALL your good clothes with you!
3. If you wear glasses, get an extra pair. Also the medicines you may need to have in your hand luggage. It is good to have the doctor's prescription with the name of the medicine with you, in case of need.
4. It is preferable to have travelers checks and credit instead of cash. Also plan to have a second wallet, leaving home as many credit cards or cash cards as you won't need.
5. Don't take with you that souvenir you'll be sorry to lose. It is also a good idea not to take business cards, driver's license (if you do not intend to rent a car) and anything that is not necessary for your trip.
6. Put your name, address and phone number with an international code in front (for Greece: +30 ) so that someone can contact you. It is good to put a sticker on the inside of the suitcase with your details, in case the name tag on the outside is "cut". It is good that your external tag is covered so that your details are not visible to someone who is just looking at the bags.
7. Make sure if you are going on a trip for several days (eg America) that someone takes your letters every few days so that your mailbox does not fill up. It's a good idea to leave a contact phone number with someone in your departure country.
8. It is good to have with you: a photocopy of your passport and your photos, so that in case of loss it is easy to reissue.
9. Check that you have all the information you need (weather, currency, travel documents) and don't hesitate to call us for any questions you may have. It is good to have a small list of what to take on the trip (eg passport, ticket, house keys, umbrella, glasses, etc.). Plan to be at the airport AT LEAST 2 hours before.

Tips for Far Away Destinations
Some basic tips for the best - and most economical - organization of distant or more unusual trips, but also for exploring the real life of the inhabitants of each place. this text considers it a condition of success to be a type of person who seeks adventure and authenticity in travel, to have self-confidence and dynamism, and to know at least a little English to be able to use travel guides and maps. Of course, the biggest prerequisite is a love of travel - and don't be afraid for a moment that you won't succeed. In third world and exotic countries no one speaks English better than you!

The right company
Make sure that the friends who will come with you abroad are independent and self-supporting people and let them know about all the difficulties and demands that the trip will have so that you do not feel responsible towards them. The ignorance of a foreign language and the insecurity that many people have when they are in a foreign place can literally blow up a vacation. Of course, four people, for example, are better off sharing the costs of renting a car or a spacious room/furnished apartment, but you need to control the "risk" of such cohabitation as much as possible.

The choice of destination
Experience in organized travel says that many travelers do not know exactly where they are going (and yet, it is true: they are easily impressed by the descriptions of travel agencies and do not ask further) and are disappointed when they discover that the particular destination does not match their interests. Therefore, take into account very seriously the weaknesses and strengths of the group (in food, accommodation, etc.) to make your trip a success. In many exotic countries you may have problems with the food if you don't like spicy exotic cuisine (eg India, Burma, Mexico, etc.). In still other countries you will be required to dress modestly or for women to cover their heads with a headscarf (eg Iran). Remember that nowhere is like our home and that we will have to be patient in order to be served better. In several countries no concessions are made in the name of tourism and absolutely nothing is given away, in others you are treated with unusual severity, in others where hospitality is a tradition, you must respect and honor its rules. You should still respect the politics of a country even if you disagree, and of course its religion. In most temples you have to take off your shoes (Buddhist and Muslim mosques) even if you are completely barefoot or cover your head. Keep your opinions and remember that you are a passer-by, while the locals will stay.

Preparing a trip
Most travelers agree that one of the greatest joys of travel lies in the preparation. Its the most important point is the right program. So you start by buying a good travel guide. Based on the days at your disposal, your interests and above all your physical condition, you will choose the country to visit: for example, India is never suitable for someone who thirsts for secular life, or Burma for someone who is indifferent to the Buddhist culture, just as (mountainous) Peru is not suitable for anyone with breathing problems, nor is Africa for someone who is not in good physical condition. After choosing a destination, you will choose the areas where you will spend the night and how many days you think you need. This way you will have in your hands a framework of a program which you can configure according to your mood. Something that helps a lot is reading travel literature that deals with the specific place and gives the opportunity to get to know the culture of the country. You can also find endless information on the Internet that will help you better organize your trip. Also, a discussion with traveling friends is always constructive, as are Greek travel magazines, in which most of the articles provide a lot of important information.

When is the best time to travel?
Be sure to adjust your trip based on the particular weather conditions that prevail in each country, as well as peak periods. If, for example, your leave coincides with the monsoons in India or typhoons in China, it is a good idea to postpone that trip to another time when you will not be bothered by flight cancellations and can enjoy it better. You should also take into account that you are always much better served and buy at the cheapest prices in periods from mid-September to early December and from mid-January to early April, but also in May to early June. Of course, the particularities and local holidays play a role in them, such as e.g. the Chinese New Year, the Catholic Easter, the Carnival in Rio, the music festival in Mali, the cherry blossoms in Japan, etc.

Choosing a means of transport
It goes without saying that the plane is the shortest way of transportation to distant destinations. Ticket prices vary from company to company and often the differences are significant. Some airlines from time to time make great offers for certain destinations. Of course, the best time for offers is towards the end of the tourist season, i.e. from mid-September.

When choosing a ticket you should consider not only its price, but the safety and reliability of the company, as well as how many stops there are going to be until you reach your destination, since several flight delays can upset your planning. During peak periods, companies tend to overbook, i.e. sell more tickets than the seats available on the aircraft with the prospect - perhaps - of choosing a larger type of aircraft. Otherwise, it often happens that passengers who did not reconfirm their tickets in time are left off the flight: this will also be the immediate priority upon reaching your destination. Another little secret of a good purchase is the last minute tickets where - even if you are the adventurous type - by going to the airport at the last minute you can buy (if there is one) the unused ticket at a significant discount!

The train is a more tiring means, but in many cases it is an unforgettable experience - not to mention that it offers significant discounts to young people and students. It is a dream of many, to cross Russia on the Trans-Siberian or to live the hectic experience of Indian trains. The coach offers economical transport, but is not suitable (in terms of fatigue) except for short distances. Motorcyclists everywhere agree that their best destination is Scandinavia, where cyclists also have their own cycle paths, which cover the entire Nordic countries. There you can still rent bikes on site and explore the whole area, after getting all the necessary maps from the Information Centers.

Preparing the suitcase
Avoid taking a lot of luggage and expensive clothes with you, so you won't be sad if a suitcase gets lost. In most countries no one is going to misunderstand you if you wear old or unfashionable clothes. Take plenty of comfortable tracksuits and cotton t-shirts to change into. High heels are useless, prefer sports shoes for every hour of the day. If you are going to see a theater or musical performance, no one is going to be bothered by your sporty appearance, except on very special occasions.

Take seriously the traditions of each country: in Malé, the Maldives, it is forbidden to wear a bathing suit on the streets, in Pakistan, tank tops and shorts are an offense to public sentiment, as in most Arab countries, while in Burma, and especially in Vietnam, kids will pull the leg hairs of men wearing shorts to see if they're real! So blend in as much as possible with the local dress habits to make yourself feel better - unless you don't mind people gathering around you to make fun of you.

Don't carry useless things or anything you can find cheaply there. However, do not in any case omit medicines that you may need (e.g. for diarrhoea, poisoning, prevention of insect bites, antibiotics, gauze, syringes, insect repellents, etc.). Do the necessary vaccinations for each country some time before, to avoid unwanted side effects. Always have (not in your wallet) a photocopy of your passport and your credit card numbers along with emergency phone numbers to notify immediately if something is stolen. Always use a card with a low credit limit in case the magnetic strip is copied and a counterfeit is made that will be charged in your absence (not so unlikely to happen, mainly in Central American countries but also in Spain and Thailand).

Also, watch out for the exchange rate: change your euros into local currency. Don't tempt yourself with expensive watches or jewelry, don't put all your money in one place, and don't open your wallet on the street. Double lock the suitcase and never leave cameras and cameras unattended. Get the cassettes, film and batteries you will need from Greek stores because their prices abroad are exorbitant - especially for slides, which are hard to find in some countries.